Thursday, September 29, 2011

A whole plate of french fries is good for the soul!

It is 9:30 am Sunday morning here in India (11:00 pm at home Sat. night). CL woke up and came straight to my room with his phone. He was looking up the Alabama score on ESPN. I held my breath with anticipation. When he told me the score I was thrilled and then he told me Ole Miss lost and I did a happy dance.

We were planning on going to the mall and to FabIndia today; however, it has rained so much (12 inches) that our auto rickshaw driver can’t get out because the streets are flooded. Now while this is bad and we are all disappointed, there is a chance we can go later in the afternoon. The other good thing that comes from this is that the air smells fresh and people are not outside all hours of the night making noise. Last night I went to sleep at 8:00 pm and woke up at 6:15.

I have been pretty sick with Delhi belly. Don’t want to give you any graphic details but it has been really bad. I dehydrated. In the past 2 days I have had 1 cookie, some cashews, 5 Ritz crackers, 3 bananas and a cup of rice. I went to the doctor after nearly passing out. CL and I had gone to Open Hands (internet cafe and nice shop). I over heated and went to find a cooler space. I ended up on the floor and the owner who is a believer washed me wet cloths and helped me drink some coke. She was so nice to me. She insisted that CL take me to the doctor. She got an auto rickshaw for us and sent us on our way without even paying our bill (we paid it yesterday when we went back). The doctor was the one that diagnosed Eva’s skin condition correctly. She was very professional and kind. She gave me some meds and told me what I should eat. We got back home and I went straight to bed. I slept 11 hours. This started on Tuesday and today is Sunday. I am not back to normal yet but I am headed in that direction.

I have to admit that I was not prepared for this. You have no idea how fortunate you are to live where you live, have what you have, and be surrounded by people who love you. I am so grateful for the many blessings in my life. Being here has truly shown me just how blessed I am.

I thought I would miss tv. I know that my programs are recording so I am ok. I can’t find diet drinks but since I am not consuming many calories it has been ok to drink the real stuff. I have to admit I would love to see some SEC football. Happy, happy, happy that Alabama is winning. Hoping that continues so my precious family can sit in the Super Dome for the National Championship Game. I really would like to have some meat. Kirsten told me this morning I was looking thin. Don’t have any scales; however, I would not be surprised if I have lost 5 or more pounds.

I don’t have enough nice words to say about CL and Kirsten. They have been filled with grace for me. They have taken such good care of me. I hope by tomorrow I will be able to give them more help with the children.

I have seen so much of the world, but nothing I have seen is anything like this. The Indians smile and seem happy. How? I don’t know. I can’t imagine living this life. I have 5 weeks left. I try to keep my mind focused on good things and remembering that soon I will be home where I will forever be thankful to live.

I hope it is cooling off in Mississippi. Just remember, “you ain’t seen nothing yet”. The hottest MS day is cool in comparison.

Please pray that CL, Eva, Selah, and me continue to feel better and that Kirsten stays well. Kirsten has been a rock. She is so strong and unshakable.

I love you all! Roll Tide! God bless you!


It is now 2:15 in the afternoon on Sunday (3:45 am your time). You all know the story of the loaves and fishes. I feel like I am living it. CL bought rice last night at a restaurant and we just knew there would not be enough for all of us to eat. Not only was there plenty, we ate it again for lunch today and everybody got some.

We tried again to find a way to the mall. We were going to get chicken nuggets and french fries at McDonalds. Normally, that would not sound so good; but today..... Once again, no auto rickshaw drivers will come out. We were told we could walk to Lanka (about 20 minutes) and then catch a public auto rickshaw; however, we could be sitting in traffic up to an hour and a half and then we would have to wade through the streets. I have already told you what is in the streets so this is just not an option. We are all disappointed. Dominoes delivers so we are hoping to get pizza for supper.

The power has been off all day. Thankfully, the rain has cooled things off. I am constantly reminding myself of the many blessings at home.

My sweet children are so strong. Earlier today, their computer would not boot up. We have no idea why. CL started researching on his phone internet. We all prayed that the computer would come back and about 30 minutes later they tried again and it worked fine. We were so thankful. Everyone has to realize that is their lifeline to the USA. It is their sole means of communication. CL would have gone to Delhi to the Apple Store. That is not like going from Brandon to Madison. In fact, nothing around here is like Brandon or Madison. ;-(

I hope you have gotten good rest. I am thankful you are part of my life. I can’t wait to give you a big hug.


It is now 6:30 pm (8:00 am your time). We have been without power all day. At 4:00 CL ordered pizza. They said it would be 55 minutes. More than an hour past and no pizza. CL called back and they said they could not deliver because of the street flooding. Plan B was put into action. Kirsten started cooking. I watched the children. CL’s phone rang 30 minutes later and the guy said he was waiting at the place where CL was to meet him with pizza in hand. We screamed with joy.

At 6:25 the lights came on. The Hindu neighbors were cheering so we joined in. Lots of high fives. TII! This is India!

We will probably go to bed around 8:00. For now, we are listening to praise and worship music.


Friday, September 23, 2011

Culture Shock!!!!!!!!!!!!

After a wonderful time in Nairobi, we started our journey to Varanasi, India. Not having luggage for 5 days was bad, but what came next was worse. We got to the airport and Qatar wanted to charge CL $585.00 for our luggage being over weight. Kirsten had checked the website and called customer service to make sure she knew how many lbs. she could pack in each suitcase. After much talk, CL got them down to $325.00. Our flights were pretty uneventful.

We arrived in Varanasi around noon on Sunday and then headed straight to what will be “home” for a while. This is where the culture shock starts. Check out the pictures on FB (hopefully I will get them up today). We walked up to the third floor, opened the door, and oh my. Our beds feel like rocks, the refrigerator shocked me (literally), the toilet was a squatty potty, and the noise was unbearable. I was trying to be strong; however with no sleep and a case of Delhi belly, I lost it.

Since arriving, my sweet daughter-in-law found what we now call the Queen of Sheba’s throne. She searched all over to find me a chair to place over the toilet. That is just one of many nice things she and CL have done for me to make it a little easier.

I have never enjoyed a cold shower. It is now my favorite thing to do in Varanasi. You just think you are hot in Mississippi!!!!!

CL and Kirsten started school on Monday. We all went in a cycle rickshaw. Try to imagine the worst smells you have ever smelled all combined. That is what we smell everyday. There are cows, water buffalo, goats, and dogs wandering the streets. It is so noisy that I quickly decided the thing I miss most about home is peace and quiet.

It is not everyday you see men carrying a dead person on a makeshift stretcher covered in a colorful cloth. They were chanting something and carrying the person to the burning ghat. TII! This is India!

I have been shopping with Kirsten. I will never complain again about Walmart. Oh to have a place you can buy everything you need in one store, roll it out in a buggy and hop in your air conditioned car.

Cooking in India is absurd. We are not allowed to cook chicken in our place. We can bring it in; but not cook it. It takes forever to prepare a meal. Fresh veggies must be washed in bleach and then rinsed in purified water. Kirsten made veggie Ragu one night and it was so good. At lunch we see rice, beans, and dal. Today I felt so bad I couldn’t even take a bite of lunch. My food today consisted of a cookie, some cashews, and some Ritz crackers. The India diet plan was not the way I wanted to take off the pounds.

In the class that CL and Kirsten are attending there is a sweet lady from Tennessee. We have become fast friends and she has invited me to spend the night in a hotel, have dinner out and try to get away from my new life for a while. I guess by now you all think I am complaining. If I complain about anything when I arrive back in the States, I give all of you permission to slap me. We are so blessed.

Internet here is sketchy! We have tried several times and with power outages we have not been successful. I will update as I can.

We did not feel the earthquake! The kids are doing pretty good. CL and Kirsten were prepared for all of this since they have done it before. I on the other hand was not! I am not a quitter so I will keep pushing forward. Prayers needed.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

India or bust!

Our time in Nairobi is drawing to a close. I'm a little sad because I have enjoyed the company of some very good friends who now live in Uganda and I have made new friends with some sweet people serving across the pond.

Since I last blogged, we have been to the Masai Market, had our last burgers (for a while), and loved on our Pinelake family living overseas.

Today, we leave for India. CL and Kirsten tell me the traffic in Nairobi does not compare to the traffic in Varanasi. While I saw cows on the side of the road, in Varanasi I will see cows walking down the street with me. Not only will I wander the streets with the cows, but monkeys will become very friendly (I hope).

The food here in Africa has been pretty good. The vegetables and fruits are wonderful. Meat has been a little tough but certainly edible. The food in India is going to be quite different. I am hoping to fall in love with Indian food.

I am not sure when I will have internet access again. It may be several days so until I do, I hope all of you are having fun and enjoying one another.

I love you!

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

First day with our Pinelake friends

Today has been truly special. After a wonderful breakfast, our friends living on this side of the world have been loved on by the team from Pinelake. They have sung beautiful worship songs, gathered together to share their stories, and had special prayers said over them.

The children, all 10 of them, did arts and crafts. We have had so much fun playing with the kids. Eva and Selah have been so good. Eva is playing with new friends and sharing everything.

We are having lunch now. The guys just left to go hike up a mountain. The girls are about to have mani/pedis. Mani/pedis are special living in a foreign country. These ladies would probably never treat themselves to a mani/pedi. Excited to see them get this fun surprise.

By the way, our luggage arrived!!!!! We are happy to have clean clothes, diapers, makeup, hair products, etc. Unfortunately, some of the Plakers luggage did not make it last night.

Yesterday's trip to the market was so much fun. I did not spend that much money; however, I got a ton of cool Kenyan things. Check out pic on FB.

Selah slept through the night last night! THANKFUL!

There was an explosion in Nairobi yesterday. We did not know anything about it. We were safe at the time and are still safe.

Brackenhurst Retreat Center is beautiful. I am going to post more pictures on FB soon.

Hope you are having a great day back home.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Lions and zebras and giraffes, oh my!

We started our day with breakfast. As soon as we were finished we went to an elephant orphanage. It was fascinating to see the elephants that had been rescued because their mothers had been killed or they had fallen down into wells. From there we continued on to a giraffe park. Soon you will see pictures of the giraffe that kissed me and took his food right out of my mouth. Yes I was very brave.

Lunch was served at the Carnivore. We had soup, salad, corn on the cob and then ostrich meatballs, chicken, pork, lamb, crocodile, and camel. CRAZY! We ate outside and the setting was absolutely breath taking.

The afternoon was spent in the Nairobi National Park. Right inside the gate we were met by monkeys and warthogs. We saw giraffes, impalas, zebras, and elands. The sun was just beginning to set and we came upon 2 lions. They were resting on the side of the road. I literally took 50 pictures which I can't wait to post.

So tomorrow we go to the Masai Market. I think I will boost the Kenyan economy! ;-)

It has been a fabulous day in Nairobi. Good night, friends!

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Nairobi National Park, here we come!

We finally arrived in Kenya Sunday night around 11:00. We have no luggage! Our driver didn't show up to pick us up! Guess what! We are still laughing! The girls were jewels on the long flights. The 3 adults are working as a team to make sure everyone is comfortable and happy.

I have already figured out that I love Kenyan people. Their smiles are so big and they want to please you.

Today we have had hot showers ( minus shampoo)! We have eaten our first Kenyan breakfast. Not bad!!!! We are leaving within the hour on safari. I am so excited and Eva keeps saying, "I am in Africa and I go see big animals." Looking forward to sharing this precious time with her.

By the way, being stuck in Chicago wasn't so bad. We were able to see most of the Alabama/Penn State game. Roll Tide!

I will blog again after we get back. To all of you praying for us, thank you. We are fine...just a little tired!

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Looking for safari animals in Chicago?

Our flight to Charlotte was delayed an hour and a half so we were rerouted through Dallas. Arrived in Dallas late and our flight to Washington DC had already taken off. We were sent to Chicago to catch a flight to Istanbul. All was well because we were going to arrive in Nairobi as scheduled. Got to Turkish Airlines and were told the flights were full for 3 days. After midnight we arrived at the Quality Inn. I have no idea where we are but we had beds. ;-) CL got up at 4:15 to go to the airport and try to get us rerouted through another country. You know what to do, folks. PRAY! We all have a change of clothes. Kirsten and I have no makeup. Our luggage is I don't know where and we won't see it until at least Wednesday or Thursday. Thankfully, we have our cameras;but don't plan on seeing me in any pictures. ;-) We have laughed ourselves silly. Hopefully, CL will arrive back at the hotel shortly with good news. The only good news I can think of right now is I might get to see Alabama play and I am with people I love and adore. So please start praying that we get a flight and that all that luggage catches up with us quickly.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

One Last Time

There are lots of one last things that are happening today and tomorrow. Here are just a few.

One last good night's sleep (I hope) in my own bed
One last haircut
One last small group meeting
One last night of tv
One last hamburger with my buddy, Sara Snowden
One last Diet Mt. Dew
One last early morning phone call with Charlie
One last 30 minute workout at Curves
One last 3 mile walk
One last time to dry my hair with a hair dryer (will be without dryer until I get back)
One last time to mow the yard (like I am going to miss that ;-) )
One last hug from the women I see every morning at 6:30 am at Curves

Looking forward to 53 days of waking up to two of the sweetest children in the world. Looking forward to spending time with my son and daughter-in-law. Looking forward to experiencing life in India so that I can better share with others.

Thankful I am able to take this journey. See you guys later. I'll be praying for you.

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Leaving in 5 days

Almost a year ago I agreed to go "home" to India with CL, Kirsten, and the children. We leave in 5 days and I will be gone for 53 days. I will be helping with the children while CL and Kirsten are in school in Varanasi, India. To prepare for living in India, I had to have multiple shots and an Indian Visa. My Hindu vocabulary consists of 4 words....allu (potato), dahe (yogurt), dude (milk) and namaste (hello). I'm not even sure I spelled those words right. ;-) Do you think 4 words will help me get around? Boy, do I have a lot to learn.

I have been thinking about the things I will miss at home. Of course I am going to miss my husband and family who are not going to be with us. In addition, can I possibly live without Diet Mt. Dew, red meat, ice, electricity 24/7, my electric toothbrush, and Alabama football? It is going to be interesting to see how I survive.

I have also been thinking about the things I am looking forward to. I can hardly wait to see Eva's reaction to the animals on the African safari. I look forward to experiencing a different culture and eating different food. I will finally get to say I saw the Taj. I will experience the "holiest" city in India. I will take my first ride in a rickshaw. I will wander down streets where cows walk right beside me.

So I hope you will take time to journey with me. The journey is about to begin. See you in November.